Hidalgo has presented in more than 200 events, including keynote and invited talks at academic conferences and professional events. He has also presented at TED, TEDx, and at the World Economic Forum, at both Davos and the Annual Meeting of New Champions.

The Pursuit of Narrative: Long form writing for a world that can't stop scrolling

TEDx | How the medium shapes the message | Cesar Hidalgo | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet

SONDA Talk 2017 Cesar Hidalgo

Data Chile: Plataforma creada por un chileno del MIT

Cesar Hidalgo on How Nations Learn, Norrkoping

¿Cómo aprenden las sociedades? (Flacso, En Castellano)

Cesar Hidalgo, Aprendizaje colectivo Comisión CyT de Cámara de Diputados

Cesar A Hidalgo, UC Irvine

Congreso del Futuro, César Hidalgo "El Monopolio de los Datos ¿Un nuevo poder?" en Congreso Futuro

Global Language Network - Cesar Hidalgo
César Hidalgo on Why Information Grows

Cesar Hidalgo: "Why Information Grows" | Talks at Google

Enredados # 22. Especial - César Hidalgo en Encuentros ChileGlobal 2014

Cesar A Hidalgo: using data fingerprints to predict the future - Full WIRED2014 talk

TEDxBoston - César A. Hidalgo - Global Product Space


Meritocracy and Topocracy of Networks - Cesar Hidalgo

Product and Research Space 2 | Dr. Cesar Hidalgo

Online Imagery in Measuring Urban Inequality - Cesar Hidalgo

Networks Understanding Networks, Pt. 1: Welcome by Nicholas Negroponte, Joi Ito, and César Hidalgo

Online Imagery in Measuring Urban Inequality - Cesar Hidalgo

Conferencia Magistral de César A. Hidalgo | Universidad de Monterrey

Mixed Mental Arts: The Knowledge Frontier: César A. Hidalgo

Innovarock, César Hidalgo, Investigador Chileno Del MIT

EdCívica, UDD : Entrevista a Cesar Hidalgo